Leadership Development Coaching & Mentoring Program

  • August 22, 2024 - August 24, 2024
  • Naivasha

Ideal for Senior Management Staff

Experienced Leadership Development Coaches & Mentors for all Leadership Levels

Having effective educational and development programs at your disposal is critical to making sure your leaders and employees reach their full potential. But, without experienced leadership development coaches and mentors to facilitate those programs, you won’t be able to fully harness those opportunities. You can even set your leaders, employees, and company back by applying for developmental programs the wrong way.

To make sure you get the most from your leaders, PAC provides the brightest and most experienced facilitators and coaches in to help you develop the crucial skills they need to succeed.

Our Executive Coaches can help your leaders:

  • Interpret their assessment results and plan future training to fill in knowledge gaps.
  • Adapt to new positions, changing responsibilities and new challenges.
  • Develop an action plan to reach agreed-upon goals for themselves and their organization.

An effective leader-as-a-coach asks questions instead of providing answers, supports employees instead of judging them, and facilitates their development instead of dictating what must be done.

The focus of this experiential programme is on participation and practical experience rather than lecture, with numerous opportunities to practice leader-as-coach skills and receive feedback on these newly acquired skills. The programme will focus on building skills to unlock the potential of self and others, leading yourself to lead others and transform your environment.

This highly personalized programme seeks to enhance participants’ understanding of their leadership style. It will provide the tools that will help participants to develop their coaching skills successfully and thus have more impact on their teams, their organization, and their lives.

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